Friday 20 November 2009

Our First Night!

The first Dr Thursday's Medicine Show was a resounding success in our humble opinion - a serious amount of conversation took place, buoyed up by wonderful music from DJ Moogaloo.

Thanks to our sparkling conversationalists, Jane Pitt and Wendy Daws, who enthralled our salonniers with their passion & thoughtfulness.

You can read some snippets of their discussions at

The next Dr Thursday will be at the Coach & Horses, Whitstable, on Thursday 17th December, 8pm. Come along, do.


  1. Sounds wonderful! We shall try and make it for the next one

  2. Thank you Dr Thursday, I enjoyed the chance to talk about my work with people I know and people I now know. The two conversations were quite different from each other, I liked that and I discovered something about me too, which I think I like.
